Title: Miracle For Us Chapter 11 Characters: Yesung, Siwon, Jaejoong, Yoonjae & Jaeho (OC) Pairing: YeWon, side!YunJae Genre: Mpreg!AU, Fluff Rating: PG-15 Warning: Heavy Mpreg. Disclaimer: Fiction. I only own the plot and the story.
Title: Miracle For Us Chapter 10 Characters: Yesung, Siwon, Jaejoong, Yoonjae & Jaeho (OC) Pairing: YeWon, side!YunJae Genre: Mpreg!AU, Fluff Rating: PG-15 Warning: Heavy Mpreg. Disclaimer: Fiction. I only own the plot and the story.
Title: Miracle For Us Chapter 9 Characters: Yesung, Siwon, Zhoumi, Jaejoong, etc Pairing: YeWon Genre: Mpreg!AU, Fluff Rating: PG-15 Warning: Heavy Mpreg. Disclaimer: Fiction. I only own the plot and the story.